The Inquirer recently claimed to have received word that perhaps some of Asus Android tablets wouldn’t ship in quite the situation that was initially stated at CES. ASUS will be releasing several tablets later this year, and they were originally said to be released running Android 3.0, Honeycomb. But, according to the Inquirer, they would only be shipping with Gingerbread, 2.3, and wouldn’t make the ship dates cited at CES.
Well, TechInStyle contacted ASUS directly, who backed up their original statements. John, Project Manager over the Android dev team, stated “his team are [sic] still on course to launch the tablets with 3.0 ‘Honeycomb’, they are just waiting on Google’s release schedule now.” He also confirmed that pending Google’s official release of Honeycomb, they should be on track to make the stated release dates given at CES, of April, May and June, and confirmed that they will have full Android Market integration. Hit the source link for the full story.